
Things to do in Bogota


Book an itinerary with the most popular tours according to your days of stay and make the most of your time.

Tours in Bogota, Colombia

Check our tours and activities available in Bogota. Plan your schedule, book and enjoy the wonders of this city.

Classic tours and transports

Check out the transports and tours that you can't miss in order to discover the main attractions of the Colombian capital.

Trekking and climbing

Embark on an adventure away from the hustle and bustle of the city with these trekking and climbing activities.

Free tours

Get to know the main attractions of Bogotá with these free tours in which you only have to leave a tip for the guide.

What to do in Bogotá, a city embraced by the mountains

Bogotá is one of those cities where, no matter how big it is, you can always feel nature up close. The capital of Colombia is surrounded by mountains and it is the perfect destination to alternate between urban trips and rural excursions.

Let's start with the tourist sites within the city that you can't miss on your trip. First, you have to decide where you're going to look for your accommodation. If you're one of those travelers who likes to have everything at hand, we recommend booking accommodation in the La Candelaria neighborhood, located in the city center. If, on the other hand, you're looking for a quieter and safer area, your best option is Zona Rosa and Chapinero.