
Things to do in Santiago

Perfect plans

Book an itinerary with the most popular tours according to your days of stay and make the most of your time.

Tours in Santiago, Chile

Check our tours and activities available in Santiago. Plan your schedule, book and enjoy the wonders of this city.

Classic tours

The classic half day and full day tours from Santiago. All with confirmed daily departures.

Winery tours

Traverse the fields and live the experience of the Chilean wine, besides all things around it and why it is known all over the world.

Alternative tours

Combine culture, adventure and unique landscapes with these tours ranging from gastronomy and shopping to nature and mountains.


Enjoy comfortable and safe transfers that connect your destination efficiently, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free experience every step of the way.

Snow tours

Discover the snow a few minutes from Santiago with activities in the main ski resorts of the Chilean capital.


Traverse the tracks and roads with the best hike tours through different landscapes in the surroundings of the Chilean capital.